Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Indian Indiana Summers

I know that I have said in a lot of times before, but I am loving being able to actually witness the seasons. I have a new appreciate ever since coming back from the South on how special actually having seasons to enjoy. Culver is beautiful this time of year and I'm lucky to be here.

Work is crazy right now, and I am struggling to learn everything about the databases and files and everything from a different perspective. I love coming to work everyday and constantly being surprised about what might happen. I love my job!

This past weekend was full of shopping, working at a clothing store downtown (job #2!), long walks with Abby, and making MORE MORE MORE of that delicious chipotle 6 batches of it! :-)
I put a couple of pictures up that I have taken over the past couple of days, through the weekend and the beginning of this weekend. My ((amazing)) guy got me the most gorgeous flowers on my first day of work and they found a place on my desk (my own desk!!)

Happy Wednesday, we're halfway there to the weekend!

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