Friday, April 8, 2011

Goo Goo Dolls

The amount of homework and papers that I have been having this past week has made me almost a week late on this post. So so sorry, I've been slacking big time on my posting. There just never seems to be enough hours in the day. When faced with the choice of doing laundry (a pile a couple feet high) and doing a blog post, I had to reluctantly choose the laundry. Boo, no fun!

Anyways, back to more important and interesting news. Last Sunday night, the Goo Goo Dolls started their spring tour in none other than OXFORD, MS!! You don't know how ecstatic I was when I found out this news and it has been marked in the calender for months. When I think of the Goo Goo Dolls it makes me think of middle school and jam out sessions in the quad sophomore year of high school. The music brings back tons of memories, and takes me back in those types of songs!
The music was perfect, the night was perfect, the Subway picnic in the grove was perfect. Life was good for me on Sunday night and carried me into this busy week with a happy heart and good feelings. It's these times that I thank goodness I go to such a school that we are blessed to have such music talent come to play for us...for FREE. Blessed, I know.
Oh, life is sweet and I am one happy girl.

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