Friday, April 8, 2011

5 things

Lots of happiness recently in my life, so I thought I would share a few things that have recently been bringing a smile to my face.

Happy weekend everyone!

1. The fact that we have three cartons of fresh strawberries in our refrigerator right now is testimony to the fact that the strawberries and FINALLY back in season, fresh and sweet as ever!! Yummy :-)
2. While on the strawberries topic, my new favorite Nutella combination (yes, I truly am obsessed with this delicious hazelnuty type of heaven on earth)
3. Pretty self life in a nutshell dontcha think? ;-)

4. Flowers from my mom, she always knows a way to brighten my day. Actually, these are pretty old: she sent them as a celebration that it was spring break but I haven't really posted anything to include them in until now. They definitely make the list because they are beautiful!
5. These special people are in town this weekend for our home invitational on Saturday. My true parents away from's always a joy when they come and visit!!
If anyone happens to be in Oxford this weekend, we are having a home track meet all day Saturday from 10 until 8!! We would love to have all the support that we can get. Plus, it gives you an excuse to be outside in the beautiful weather thats predicted to happen: 88 degrees. Come cannot argue with that.

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