Saturday, March 12, 2011

spring break weekend

I have had so much fun on spring break so far...just having no school alone makes it a break for me. Neal and I went to watch our friend Abby play in her tennis match yesterday and the weather was absolutely beautiful. It was fun for Neal as well because she had an old high school friend that was playing for LSU, so it was fun to watch both of the matches.
Abby being a beast in tennis....she was SO freaking good and so much fun to watch!
Oxford weather finally decided to show us some spring break love, and the weather the past two days has been leaning towards the 60's. Hey we'll take it!

Last night Sofia, Lauren, Bryan and I went to see Red Riding Hood as well as my very first trip to a Indian restaurant. I was a little unsure seeing as all the chicken was bright red (the color of red play dough) but it was so delicious that I didn't care.
Playing with Lauren's fat cam on her iphone! This entertained us for about an hour haha...easily amused!
I know....very attractive.
Sofia and I are about to head to the pool to get some much needed sunshine on my pale legs and arms. Hallelujah!
My most favorite thing at Bottletree Bakery...the Bowl of Soul. Definitely was a much needed pick me up this morning!!

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