Thursday, March 10, 2011

in & out with the trends

I'm not much of a trendy person; in fact I don't think that I have ever been. I was the little girl who did not wear jeans until eighth grade because they were "scratchy." Yes, I was definetly rocking the leggings well into middle school...I know what your thinking. Nerd. And I was.
image taken from

Trends come and go rather quickly if you havn't noticed. So I haven't really jumped on that bandwagon, I more dance to the beat of my own drum.
When I looked on Shopbop yesterday (a secret pleasure) I saw that one of their current trends was pointy heels. Now I crinkled my nose up at that, scoffed at it in fact because I will tell you right out I am not a fan. I think of old ladies and the 80's when I think of pointy heels.
Then I literally gasped when I saw these babies...

I think I have died and gone to shoe heaven. These heels to me scream sassy and confident with a little wild side. Uh, love love love. Gimme me please!

p.s.- I'm definitely dressing my child in that outfit someday.

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