Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Half Marathon Update

I don't know how many of you know, seeing as I haven't been on this blog in a while, but October 20th i will be running in my first (and maybe only, depends) half marathon. The idea of running the half in the beginning was daunting, only because I had never ran more than an hour in my life. Cross country is in my background yes, but I would never call myself much of a distance runner. It was never my "thing" just something that I enjoyed while in high school.

The fact that I am running with one of my coworkers makes all the difference. If you are ever contemplating doing a large race, get a partner. It makes those long training runs on the weekends worth it and actually enjoyable. Starting out I thought there is NO WAY I will be able to do this...Yes. I am a pessimist at heart. Mostly with things that I have no experience in. Yet with each longer run i gained a little more confidence and my no's slowly turned into maybe's. 6,7,8 miles down...we're getting there!

My life as of lately...

Just looking at this picture makes me nervous. Feeling "stuck" in a bunch of people is not only stressful but irritating. The beginning with be the roughest for me. 

As we get closer to the date of the race I have mixed feelings: anticipation, nervousness, and relief (that it will finally be over.) Will it be something that I will do again? Yet to be determined. Is it something I will be glad that I did? Most certainly. 

Happy running! 

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