Sunday, November 27, 2011

In The Barn

When I literally "stumbled upon" this barn-turned-cozy home, I immediately fell in love with the layout, colors, design, etc. etc....

It's being raining here in Indiana all day long, so I am in one of those moods where I would love to snuggle up to a big fire with a good book and spend the day there. This would be a great place to do it!

Maybe it's my Midwest upbringing that brings me to be attracted to this rustic, country inspired theme but I'm loving it and thinking about someday maybe incorporating this type of style into a future home or apartment. I am already in love with southern style antiques (I spent a large majority of my college weekends wandering around flea markets and antique shops with my roommate, gotta love Mississippi) and I have always joked that one day on a visit back to OleMiss I'm going to bring a U-Haul truck and stock up on my fair share of my favorite antiques and trinkets.

This is right up my alley, and there is something about antiques + smooth wood floors that make me so happy. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

Happy less than one month before Christmas...I'm in the holiday spirit! :-)

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