Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Got my eyes on...

I went shopping over the weekend, and although I only bought a couple of things I got a lot of ideas of things that I might be buying over the next couple of months. Okay...so I probably won't buy half of these things and I don't really need them, but a girl has gotta dream!

The holidays are one of my favorite times, and I love how the mood changes once we get passed the thrill of Halloween (which is in my opinion a little early, but hey no complaints). I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and spending some time with my family, even though the excitement of Christmas feels just barely around the corner. I'll blame it on the 3 minute snowfall we had the other day!!

We are currently enjoying 60s here in Indiana though, which is a sharp contrast from anything Christmas related. I am holding out as long as I can and not wishing this great weather away anytime soon.

Happy middle of November! Hope your getting in the Christmas spirit; I sure am! :-)

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