Monday, September 12, 2011

The most {perfect} strawberry cake

I have had foot on the brain, literally, for the past couple of weeks. Now that I have a little more time to myself I can concentrate on doing what I love the most: cooking and (eating) creations that I might now make on a daily basis.

While the blueberries were still in season, I tried out a fun little treat called the Blueberry Summer Cake from Young Married Chic that I stumbled on in one of many blogs that I follow. Needless to say, both me and my family were absolutely in love (aka they got the all important "Dad seal of approval").
Sadly, blueberries aren't in season anymore and its that awkward time of the year where everyone is excited to make pumpkin recipes and throw out any summery-like recipes until next year. Well, I'm holding onto the last bits of summer that I can.....

SO. When I stumbled upon this recipe it took me back 4 years ago to my high school graduation party where I had the most amazing strawberry cake known to man from Strongbow's Bakery in Valparaiso, IN. Trust me when I tell you...heaven on earth. If you every wander up to northern Indiana you need to stop there.

Anyways, back on track. I found this recipe that I fear will compete with my beloved strawberry heaven cake and I am just itching to try it out. Yes strawberry cakes are a summer thing, but regardless, I'm beyond excited.
I found the recipe at one of my new favorite foodie blogs Sweetpolita and when you see it trust me, your mouth will start watering too. More to post later when I attempt to create this masterpiece....
Happy Monday, and have a wonderful and productive week!

(All images taken from Young Married Chiq and Sweetpolita)

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