Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A much needed update...

Okay so, my deepest apologies from being away from this blog for what? A month and a half? Yikes, and oh how time has truly flown by me. So much has happened since then, from life changing moments, to reunions with old friends, to passing on traditions.
SO. Heres the low down on what's been happening...(in order)

1. Last SEC track meet EVER. It sounds crazy even now coming out of my mouth. And what a "hay day" it actually was. I had to miss graduation on Saturday afternoon to compete in the SEC championships for triple jump. And boy, was it bittersweet! My last time ever competing collegiately in a school that I had never been to (Georgia in Athens, GA) with my parents in attendance. It was a crazy 4 days let me tell you filled with joy, happiness, and love for my teammates and coaches that I have grown with the past four years. It was a great celebration to an amazing experience and definitely went out with a bang.

2. Graduation from Ole Miss. Pretty amazing all in itself because they had a special ceremony just for the athletes that could not attend the regularly scheduled graduation. It was amazing in that there were 10 of us that graduated in all. It was short and sweet, yet personal all at the same time. I said my goodbyes, shed a few tears, and expressed my overwhelming gratitude for the people that made my life at Ole Miss so much for special. Coach Walker (our head coach) made me cry in our last closing meeting together, and the words that he said to me with forever touch me for the rest of my life. Sappy, I know, but if you knew this man you would say the same things. Let's just say the ride home was definitely a sad one...

3. The Ring Ceremony. At the Culver Academies we have this amazing tradition where graduates of the school can "ring" a person their junior year. Sounds like a crazy tradition, but this one was one for the books. I got to ring my little brother and watch him make that transformation from a junior to a big bad senior. Oh my goodness where has the time gone??

4. Junior Woodcraft (self explanatory). This camp that I work is complete madness and you would understand why if I gave you all the knitty gritty details. I work as a cabin councelor with 10 little girls ages 7-8. Yes, it really is as crazy as it sounds yet I somehow manage to not be able to get enough of it. Weird it is, but I love love love my girls and the camp.

Woodcraft is starting in a few days and I am so excited to be done with all the meetings and set up that is required of it. It's one of those feelings where you are just ready for it all to start and to get in the swing of things. I'm so so excited.

Sorry for all the randomness of this post as well as the sappy emotional parts but as you can see the past couple months have been a complete whirlwind. With the closing of an old chapter comes the opening of a new one and I cannot be more excited (and nervous.)

Cannot wait to see what comes next :-) Happy Wednesday!

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