Thursday, March 3, 2011

special birthdays

I'm trying to enjoy these past couple days of spring like weather, with the warm sunshine and the breezy wind..but the amount of school work and the hard practices have made it hard to truly enjoy it. Our coach is training is hard this week, with hard practices every single day. Tomorrow we have 4x250's fast with a 5 minute rest in between...which would not be bad if we were in sprinting shape.

No rest this weekend either because we have a very difficult Saturday morning workout (there goes my weekend...) as well. I know it's all good stuff, and that we have WEEKS until the next meet but it is starting to wear me out.

One bright light in the dark: Kristin's 21st birthday at Boure! A couple of teammates, her sorority sisters, and myself had dinner last night at one of my favorite restaurants. The salmon and crawfish was delicious! So nice to finally have good food after being on the road full of fast food and pizza. Yum!!
Aria, Sofia, Kristin, Marci, Sofie, and I before sitting down for dinner

Now back to studying for the midterm and test that I have. The weekend is never going to feel so good as it after practice tomorrow!

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