Saturday, March 5, 2011

craig's list creeps

I'll be the first to tell you that Craig's List creeps me out. Yes, I will admit to you that I did see the Lifetime special movie on the Craig's List killer and it solidified my feels towards the website. I think it's that putting yourself and your location out in the open that freaks me out the most. (Then again, I guess I do this everyday with my blog, Facebook, Twitter, any other social media sites that I visit.)

On the other hand, there's something that I find myself oddly attracted to and sometimes when I'm bored/procrastinating on my homework I will find myself going to the website just to see what's out there. Scary, I know. I have had people that I know that have been successful on Craig's List and I think if working with the right people it can be done successfully.

The point of this post besides my ramblings? I wanted to share the absolute gem of a find that I found last week while perusing around my computer while at a track meet in Arkansas.
Yes I did save the pictures. Creepy I know. But you will understand....
An absolutely gorgeous carved long wood table and chairs for $800...absolute STEAL if I may say so myself. I would go out on a limb to get this table. That being said, I would also take a big strong over-six-foot guy with me to get it...

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