Sunday, March 20, 2011

apple of my eye

I'm never one to take credit where credit is not due. So I will by no means take credit for the below recipe even if I really might want to. That would be wrong, of course.

Anyways as in all of my Sundays, I find the day to be a mix of homework, catch up reading, baking, and movie watching. Some may call that procrastination. Guilty as charged. Today we were blessed with beautiful weather so of course I had to be outside catching up on my rays/ trying to avoid (hopeless cause) tan lines from my track uniform and socks. To any track runner, this is a constant battle that I'll never win. But I do give it my best effort. After a few hours of warm sunshine and gender studies reading, we went back inside where I did some homework. Procrastination, as always, gets the best of me and I did what I usually do when the "spirit" moves me: I bake.

Today was an apple pie day, and one of the darn best recipes that I have ever tried! I got the recipe from my friend Emma, who so graciously handed it over with step by step directions. Feeling the love that I am, I'm passing it on to you. Like I said above, I never take credit where it's not due. Sharing the love:
Ingredients: 4 Golden Delicious Apples
cinnamon sugar mixture (as cinnamony as you want to make it)
white sugar
5 1/2 tablespoons of stick butter
Pillsbury pie crust dough

**For the cinnamon sugar mix, use 1/2 cup of sugar and mix in cinnamon to your liking. Aka if you love cinnamon go to town, not so much put more sugar.

1.After laying down pie dough, lay down the apples (sliced thin) , a layer of cinnamon sugar, apples, sugar, apples, sugar etc. (the more apples the better and the thinner you slice them the better it usually turns out!)

2. The topping of the pie is 3/4 cup of flour, 1/2 cup of sugar, and 5 1/2 tablespoons of butter rolled in flour/sugar mix.
When you put the butter into the flour and sugar for the topping, just remember to cut it up into chunks and spread em' evenly around so they can melt right!

3. Bake at 425* for 10 minutes, then bring the heat down to 375* for 35-40 minutes , or until the top looks all golden brown and delicious!

Tip: You might want to use a fork to poke holes into the bottom of the pie crust before you bake it so the apples can juice up a little better.

Yes, it really is THAT easy. I can attest to it as I made it this afternoon and got the a-okay from both my roommates and every other random stranger I could get to eat it so I wouldn't have to. Just kidding...but really.

Happy Sunday, hope you got outside and enjoyed the beautifulness of the day :-)

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